Wonderful people wander into our lives. Some stay for years and some only for seconds. Each day you experience a multitude of moments that make their imprint on your life. Like a flitting dragonfly, skimming so close to the water, we traverse through our routines each day. We pay no notice to the beauty of chance instants…the instants that make us exhale, make us smile, give us joy for a brief twinkling.

Today I begin to share my moments with you. Today I promise to savor my moments.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Today is the first day of my gluten-free month.  My doctor (and many bloggers) recommended I try gluten-free for 30 days to see if my Lupus sypmtoms feel any relief or ease. 

As I eat my salad with spicy tuna and sunflower seeds and enjoy a Cascade Ice sparkling water, I decided to read up on some gluten-free info for inspiration.  In my search I came across the the blog pic above that I just love and it is on the sidebar with link.

I found the pic on the Denver Examiner's site and they had a great list of gluten-free blogs that I am excited to read.  I've posted the list below and I will, of course, update you on anything I find of real interest. 

Well, I've finished my salad, sans dressing, and it was de-lish-us!  I have fresh strawberries for desert.  So, far, Day 1 hasn't been difficult and it's been really easy on my calorie count.  The carb count is just a tad better.  Breakfast was Chobani greek yogurt, walnuts with 3 Sweetriot dark cacao nibs and an apple.  Haven't planned out dinner, yet, hmmmm. 

Anyways, here's to a gluten-free me and I'm gonna go read some from the lsit below! 
NOTE: I love reading your comments and emails.  Thanks for all thr great info I have received and I hope I've not missed replying to anyone!

Thanks for passin' by today. 
Glad you got around this way~
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